Monday, June 10, 2024

Menu Plan Monday

 We had a full house for our meals until yesterday, with Sam's girlfriend + my parents joining us. I'm trying to plan meals to use up what we have left, to reduce waste.

  • Friday - I made chicken fajitas & guacamole
  • Saturday - M made grilled chicken & rice
  • Sunday - just me + M, and we had leftovers. I had a gyro salad, and he had a salad with grilled chicken on top
  • Monday - leftover burgers
  • Tuesday - leftover fajitas & guacamole
  • Wednesday - leftover chicken & rice
  • Thursday - orange chicken 
  • Friday - TBD
What about you? What's on your menu this week? 

1 comment:

  1. I am going to end up freezing a few items more this week as I can't seem to cook just for two anymore. I am trying to control waste here as well. Some weeks are so much better than others for that.

    God bless.
