Monday, November 20, 2023

Menu Plan Monday

 I'm very excited about Thanksgiving food, as it's one of my favorites. We sub steak in for the turkey, as we are not big turkey fans here. Otherwise, the rest of the meal is pretty traditional. 

  • Friday - it was Nick's first varsity soccer game, and Sam went to dinner with friends. I had leftover chicken fajita rice, and after an incredibly wet game, took Nick to Chick Fil A, where he got a milkshake & chicken tenders. As you do, teen boy.
  • Saturday - chicken stew with bread & salad
  • Sunday - one pot chicken pesto pasta
  • Monday - pulled pork sandwiches
  • Tuesday - leftover chicken stew (late night soccer game)
  • Wednesday - leftover chicken pesto pasta
  • Thursday - Thanksgiving! We are having steak, roasted squash, green beans, stuffing, mashed potatoes & pumpkin pie
  • Friday - Leftover Thanksgiving side, with some sort of protein added in 
What about you? What's on your menu for the week?


  1. Last night, Girl came to spend a few nights with Daughter who is on break from college. Dinner was courtesy of my air fryer--knock off McChicken sandwiches on toasted rolls, fish and chips, and the first batch of Christmas cookies (raspberry almond thumbprints with homemade raspberry jam to make me feel better about the frozen food) all eaten on the lam. Tonight, I've no idea, as Girl, Daughter and I are going to go shopping. I was thinking of putting a Mississippi pot roast in the slow cooker, or else, baking some salmon when I get home. Both are easy, but I'm not sure we want the pot roast so close to Thanksgiving. No idea for Tuesday, but the night before Thanksgiving it was a tradition for me to make lasagna. A kid asked if this year I would make Holishkes, (Kosher stuffed cabbage) and I agreed. Thursday is dinner with all the fixings, with the dessert request being a carrot cake, of all things, and a chocolate cream pie. We will have appetizers and mimosas while dinner cooks. (And yes, the kids partake...always have, a tradition from my own not-fully-Americanized upbringing--but it's okay, as Girl, who is not my offspring, is of age.) Enjoy your holiday! Best of luck to your son in the college search/selection. Exciting times, aren't they?

    1. M & I definitely have pomegranate martinis while we cook together! Your menu sounds great. I love pot roast, but am the only one in my family, so we don't get it often. I'm also not a pumpkin pie fan, so a chocolate cream pie sounds perfect!

      Most definitely yes, these are exciting times. Trying to live in the moment, vs thinking ahead to how nice it will feel once things are settled. I'm a person who likes a concrete plan, so it goes against my nature not to finalize decisions, even though it's not realistic right now, given timing.

  2. On Wednesday we will celebrate Thanksgiving sue to my oldest kid’s work schedule and we are having a whole Turkey with whole carrots and parsnips cooked in its juice, cranberry, cornbread dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, rolls, green bean casserole, a cold,
    simple green pea salad that my ex is fond of, spinach dip, artichoke dip, sweet potato casserole, no bake chocolate cookies, and pumpkin pie. Leftovers later… lol. Cindy in the South

    1. Love both artichoke & spinach dip. Have a fabulous early holiday!

  3. I have a plan and will try to stick to it this week. Thanksgiving is at the inlaws so I am bringing a side and a dessert.

    1. So nice you are just in charge of a couple of items. Enjoy the holiday!

  4. No holidays here until Christmas..... Usual menus for this time of year, and I am trying very hard to use less meat, and stretch things out.

    God bless.

  5. We are having our immediate family Thanksgiving on Friday, but having my extended family meal on Thursday. It is a traditional family gathering with everyone bringing several dishes, so it is not a huge imposition for the host family even though there are always at least 50 there.

    1. 50 is a huge group! So impressed you've got a plan where it's not much work. Well done. Hope you have a great holiday.
