Sunday, October 6, 2024

Sunday things

Yesterday was a good day, as I finally got Sam's old bike sold! Woohoo. I find that the bike buyers on FB marketplace are sooooo in to haggling. My approach to all items I list are to price very low & not negotiate. Most people don't bother when you've underpriced, but on bikes... there are still hagglers. ;-) Anyway, got the bike sold yesterday, and I'm feeling happy about that.

I also went to yoga, which was nice & very peaceful. I really like the class. I'm so not flexible, but I suppose maybe that will come with lots of time & practice. Or, maybe I'll forever be not so good at it, but it's still good for my body. Who knows?

M & I went to dinner & tried out a new Greek restaurant in our town. We had a great time, and it was such a lovely location. We chatted about career pivots (me) & bucket list items (both of us). I brought home about 2/3 of my dinner (vegetarian risotto), as we shared a feta/pepper dip appetizer & I had a few bites of M's dinner as well. 

I'm so excited for pomegranate season! We picked our first pomegranate on Friday, and have maybe 15-20 on the tree. We had probably 3-4x that earlier, but the squirrels knocked off the majority of the blossoms. 

I'm off to head to Nick's soccer game. There are maybe 3 left in the season that I will be able to attend, and this will be his last season of club soccer (after 10+ years), so I want to make sure I attend as many matches as possible. 

Finally, hoping it cools down, as I'm so, so ready for a break in the heat. Hope you are all enjoying your Sunday!

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