Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Fitness Updates

I'm a few days late getting this post up, so let's dive right in. I was in Colorado with Nick & definitely ate more calories than normal (restaurant meals), and then came home with some sort of bug. I feel like I've been fighting the same bug on & off for at least 8 weeks. I've tried harder to take it a bit easier on days I'm not feeling great. 

Weight: I've lost 1.1 lbs since my last weigh in, for a total of 5 lbs for the year

Steps per day: I was pretty inactive the days I was sick, so my daily average dropped a bit. I'm currently at 12,403 steps per day for the year. Still over my target of 12,000.  

Calories: my goal is to be around 1,400 calories/day. With being on vacation, that didn't happen. My new cumulative 2025 daily average is 1,552. I'll continue to work on this, because of course, calories in makes a big difference on weight! 

Workouts recently:

  • Several no workout days
  • Several hiking days
  • Multiple hard workout classes 
  • A few casual walks

Overall nutrition: this is going well. I've been doing a better job of increasing intake of fruit & veggies, and reducing carbs & snacks. I also have had a few "No S" diet days, which is always great. I'm trying to get back on track, because the no snacking in particular is a super helpful target for me. 

I'm giving myself a "C+" for the past few weeks. Low energy, eating out, etc so definitely room for improvement. But, a nice drop on the scale! According to my measurements, I've also lost a little bit of body fat, which is always a win. We are theoretically skiing this weekend, and then I'm heading out on a hiking trip. That will likely result in plenty of physical activity, but higher than average calories as we eat out. I'll work on making good decisions, and keeping to my No S plan.

What about you? How are things going with your health & fitness?

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