Sunday, March 9, 2025

Menu Plan Sunday


  • Friday - ate an eclectic meal at Nick's soccer banquet
  • Saturday - quick chicken stir fry
  • Sunday - M is grilling burgers
  • Monday - mystery chicken dish from the freezer + spring rolls (I hope this combo goes together!)
  • Tuesday - leftover burgers
  • Wednesday - chicken fajitas
  • Thursday - tacos
  • Friday - leftover fajitas
What about you? What's on your menu this week?


  1. I can't even remember what I planned for this week, but I know it did not involve the oven. Probably scrounging around in my freezer...I'm hoping my cooking mojo comes back someday! The mystery chicken dish sounds intriguing.

  2. It'll probably take a few days to thaw, but I have a large pork loin I wanted to both cut down into chops plus cook half for pulled pork. I'm also planning goulash one night and sloppy joes another, but that's as far as I've thought ahead.

  3. Bbq chicken, coleslaw, tomato and cheese sandwich, avocado toast, blacked eyed peas cooked from scratch and buttered bread, baked potato and baked carrot, mushrooms, wedge salad with homemade blue cheese dressing. This is breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Cindy in the South
