Sunday, April 14, 2024

Sunday Happenings

 Yesterday was a very cold spring day for our area. I was at Nick's soccer game, and it was 45 degrees & super windy. Supposedly, it will be 80 by next week. We shall see!

We are off soon to head out for our revised spring break trip. Nick talked everyone into trying spring skiing. We were hoping to meet up with one of his friends, but his family is skiing another mountain, so it doesn't look like that will happen. Fingers crossed that the conditions are good.

I picked up a bunch of snacks to keep in the room, as the boys are usually famished post skiing. Hopefully this will cut back on the costs of random snacks at the hotel. I also remembered to pack bananas, as that's always something Nick wants for breakfast, to avoid cramping. 

We did manage to have our pickle ball lessons yesterday, but it was very chilly & windy on the court! We're finally to the place where we can play a game, which is fun. I'll definitely be signing up for more lessons.

As for today, here's what I'm up to:

  • Journal
  • Meditate
  • Farsi practice
  • Workout class
  • Finish packing
  • Quick lunch for myself & the teens before we take off
  • I'm hoping to use part of the car ride to chat with Sam about the various pros & cons of the colleges he's considering. Fingers crossed.
What about you? What are you up to today? 


  1. With our incredible April weather, before more normal temps and rain come by Tuesday, I hope to get more outside things done. Namely grass seed down to take advantage of the coming rain. Good luck with Sam and his decision.

    1. Hope you were able to get your grass seeds planted! (HP)

  2. Sounds exciting on all accounts! Cindy in the South

    1. It's been such a great trip! Super happy we made this choice. (HP)

  3. I hope Sam makes a decision that is best for him.
    It is hard when their input is more important than the parents, but it is a major step toward adulthood. Our older two opted for a state school (Roll Tide) but our youngest only wanted to go to school in NYC. That was hard for us, but it was best for him.

    1. It really is such a hard decision, and one they don't have a lot of experience with making. But, agreed. We will be there to help him think through, be a sounding board, but ultimately, it's his decision. (HP)

  4. Hope ya'll have a wonderful time and the conditions are optimal for skiing!

    1. Snow has been a little slushy, but that's been more than offset by no lines and absolutely stunning weather! (HP)

  5. Hope you enjoy the skiing. Enjoying the nicer weather here right now.

    God bless.

  6. Have a great time! I'm sure time with your boys is treasured at this point in their lives, with college quickly approaching. We skied and skied during our girls growing up years as well, and we still talk and laugh about mishaps and the memories made. 🙂

    Sunday here was great after we got the tail end of yet another storm. We walked to the beach under cold but blue skies, enjoyed a terrific play at a local playhouse, stopped in afterward at a winery we belong to for two free glasses and to chat about the play, then home to enjoy delicious Persian food leftovers from a neighborhood party on Saturday night we attended. There was so much food left that the host insisted everyone take some home, and who were we to argue! 😄

    1. It really is. We enjoy the family time, and I'm so happy we pivoted this trip to do something that everyone enjoys. We had a fabulous Italian dinner on Monday night, and the waitress complimented us on the boys manners, and that no one was using their phones at the table. I suppose that's rare these days?

      Yay for Persian leftovers. I LOVE Persian food. M's mom's cooking is incredible. (HP)
