Saturday, January 28, 2017

Staying focused & positive - Saturday

Yesterday was a rough day (no details, because the impact to my family, & my perspective on this topic is sure to bring out the trolls). I read lots of the news at arms length because it doesn't directly impact your day-to-day life. And then, it does. . . I found it really hard to focus on positive things, & not get caught up in a swirl of frustration, anger, & depression. So, no more of that today.

M is with Sam at a soccer tournament (ha, I know - so many trips, so many brackets, so much tournament), so Nick & I are on our own. If they lose their first game, they will be home by lunch. If they win, it will be a long day with a second game.

Nick & I are going to sweep the floors (we really know how to party), make dinner rolls - back by special request because they were such a huge hit last week, get some exercise, work on a book report, and go to the produce stand. I'll also carve out some time for reading.

I've also been working on the menu plan for the week, so here's what I'm planning:

  • Saturday - kebabs (from the freezer) + au gratin potatoes, to use up the last of a bag of potatoes. And, salad, of course. 
  • Sunday - Either homemade pizza/calzone, or oven baked chicken risotto
  • Monday - chicken tortilla soup with the last of the homemade guacamole, and tortilla chips
  • Tuesday - ham & potato soup with homemade rolls
  • Wednesday - leftover risotto or calzone
  • Thursday - leftover soup
  • Friday - Asian cuisine night (from the freezer). We have pot stickers, buns, edamame, & orange chicken

And, gratuitous cute puppy picture to lighten the mood today.

Tell me one thing you are looking forward to this weekend!


  1. A day off! It turns out we do have to do some work today but tomorrow is looking like a real day off. I can't wait. We have had hardly any of those this month. I am also looking forward to being able to plug my oven back in after the water damage, possibly on Sunday? We have to wait until that area is pretty dry but it seems to be drying fast. Try making supper without burners or an oven. Last night was a precooked costco chicken with caesar salad, tonight shrimp vegetable stir fry on my pancake grill (so glad I have one), trying not to eat out! I cooked chicken and rice in the slow cooker the other day. Rice was overcooked and mushy. Hubby wouldn't eat it the second day so I took the bullet and he had a take out sub. I also feel the need to bake and can't! You are not the only one feeling the way you do. It is even tougher on you because you live in the USA though and your family is so directly affected. I have a feeling Canada will be opening our doors to a lot more refugees this year. We will not just throw them to the wolves.

    1. I hope you enjoyed your day off! You need it - you both work exceptionally hard on your business.

      The rough times continue, so I've tried to carve out a few minutes to read the news, and no more. Otherwise, it will be all I do all day, which is not productive or helpful.

  2. Thinking of you; thinking of all my friends directly and indirectlt impacted. I noticed a couple pro Trump supporters suddenly being quiet on Facebook. I think they really thought he would be all about taxes and the economy and his other "promises" were campaign rhetoric.He is a cruel and ignorant man and until he proves differently, that is my assessment of our new president.

    1. It's really rough. I go back & forth on the "build bridges" & then just needing to shut people out of my life who are unsympathetic. I understand the politics may not match mine (totally okay), but if you can't find any sympathy for the people impacted, than we are clearly not friends & you don't need to be part of my life. It's been a hard but necessary exercise for my sanity.

  3. Words cannot express the level of shame I am feeling at the moment. I'll stop there.

    I am really, really looking forward to a special dinner out with hubby tomorrow night, in Newport Beach on what is supposed to be a spectacular day - low 80's and sunny. We have a TravelZoo deal for a resort restaurant that includes a bottle of wine. Given the my husband had outpatient shoulder surgery on Wednesday, and just stopped his pain pills, he'll be able to join me in sharing the glass of wine as we celebrate his speedy recovery.

    1. I hope you enjoyed a fabulous night out with your husband. I'm really looking forward to a free date night on Valentine's Day. We skipped our January date night (cost savings with the house buying), but we got a free offer as a summer camp thank you. We're dropping the kids off at a school near our house & they'll be watching a movie & having pizza with friends. We'll go back to the house & have wine & dinner. Great free date night! So excited.

  4. Laura-Jumping in here on tow thoughts. Do you make dumplings from scratch, or have a good source? Also, while I'm not happy with our leadership, I will always be proud to be American, because of my friends and family (and both categories include people who were born in countries other than the US), and those that I think truly embrace what freedom means.

  5. I love the cute puppy picture :)
    Trying to stay positive is the best thing we can do right now. If anyone can do it you can! Sugar cookies almost help though ;)

    1. The sugar cookies were fabulous & the boys were in heaven with all of the goodies.

  6. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  7. Hugs to you and yours! I'm watching in shock and utter disbelief from afar and have temporarily deactivated my FB account because of it. I can't imagine having to live with the day to day outfall from it.

    Baking is good. Reading is good. Spending time with your family is best. I hope you had a good weekend - and I agree with rivulet - sugar cookies help! :) xx

    1. I grew up in a really privileged life. Not a lot of money, but in a homogeneous culture where I felt very supported & welcomed, and with a loving family. It's a real eye opener when you approach life from another perspective. It's given me quite a different understanding of how other people live.I like to think it will make me more sympathetic & humane in all issues moving forward. Right now I'm still dealing with some anger, which is really not who I am. I'm trying to process that as a natural feeling, and then move on. I'm a total optimist, so this process has been a huge learning experience for me on all sides. Stretching my comfort zone.

      I also need to work out & do yoga. Something to balance all of those sugar cookies. ;-)

  8. Happy (belated) Chinese new Year. Happy year of the rooster! I hope the dumplings were fabulous. Sam loves dumplings, so if you have a recipe, please share. :-)
