Monday, June 13, 2022

Menu Plan Monday

It's another busy week, with Nick at camp, and Sam starting his job. There are quite a few logistics involved in the schedule, so hoping for an easy menu this week:

  • Friday - hot dogs, mac & cheese + fruit
  • Saturday - tacos
  • Sunday - chicken fajitas (peppers & cilantro from the garden)
  • Monday - spaghetti & meatballs
  • Tuesday - taco quesadillas
  • Wednesday - leftover fajitas
  • Thursday - spaghetti & meatballs
  • Friday - something on the go, as we get the boys to the airport
That's it from our side. Nothing complicated this week. What about you? What's on your menu? 


  1. Every baked beans for tonight and otherwise I’m not sure but there is plenty to choose from so that’s good.

  2. Once kids start to work, unless they have their own car it can make your life difficult.

    1. We are trying hard to instill that work ethic, and get them exposed to earning their own money, budgeting, etc, but oh my! The logistics! In a year, they will theoretically both be driving. Nick can get his permit in September, and around that time, Sam is eligible to get his license.

  3. Your menu sounds great.

    God bless.
