Friday, August 25, 2023

Frugal Friday

 I'm setting this up to publish automatically, as I'll be out in a van, running my relay, hoping to survive on zero sleep & sore legs!

Saving on things we buy

  • I used a $20 grocery store reward to pick up items Nick wanted. He made a birthday cake for a friend, and also asked for a few snack/smoothie items for back to school. 
  • We have been wanting a generator for awhile, and found a used one via the for sale group at work.
  • I used a credit card offer to save a little bit off of two tours we booked for our France trip. 
  • We typically do delivery pizza as a first day of school treat. I had a $5 discount code in my app, that I used to cover a bit of the cost.
  • I picked up free apples on BN. Now, I need to make apple sauce!

Earning money

  • I received a check of $18 from Rakuten, for online purchases (most of which was from a purchase of 2 pair of running shoes, I believe).
  • I received a full refund from USPS for the lost eBay item, so while I didn't earn any money, I was able to keep the money I earned from the original sale. (I refunded the buyer, of course.)

Avoiding spending

  • M is able to take me both ways to/from the airport for my trip, saving the cost of a Lyft.

Eating what we have

  • Sam & I went to lunch together on Thursday (after his senior picture appointment didn't happen), & I had leftovers for breakfast one day.
  • Made a triple batch of pickled peppers, to use up some garden produce. 
  • We've been eating lots & lots of tomatoes from the garden

For others

  • I volunteered at a food bank. We had a work event, and were looking for a way to spend time together & get to know each other a bit more. I suggested a food packing event at a food bank (we've also done a huge garden clean up at a school, which was a lot of fun). It's free for us, helpful to others, and I always enjoy it more than getting together over drinks & snacks. I think most of my peers felt the same, which is great!
  • I made donations to the school on behalf of both boys, and submitted for a match via the company I work for.
What about you? Any wins to share?


  1. I think
    Nick with his cooking skills is so fabulous! My oldest son is a chef! Cindy in the South

  2. Seems like we are eating cucumbers and tomatoes every day. Not that I dislike them, but really am getting to the point that I am ready to scream.

    God bless.
