Wednesday, July 3, 2024

July Goals

 Here are my goals for the month! I'm looking forward to spending time with the boys in July, and then heading to Portland at the end of the month for my special needs aunt's big birthday party (70), followed by Sam's college orientation & registration.


  • Sort out tuition payment/timing
  • Figure out what to do with M's expiring BA miles
  • Sort out a plan with United credits (goal plan + backup plan, as his mom's availability to travel will be limited & likely down to the wire)
  • Freezer challenge: use up remaining bag of cranberries + bananas
  • Have a great 4th of July with Nick & a friend in Lake Tahoe
  • Help Nick edit draft college essays & work on new ones
  • Get Sam set up for his solo senior trip (show him how to install airline app, activate credit card, use Uber, etc.) This will all be useful before heading off to college
  • Plan one fun family activity + days for my nephew to visit
  • Finalize legs for relay (me + Sam)
  • 70 miles of running, including some longer runs for relay prep
  • Stretch 12 times
  • 12 strength workouts
  • Follow the No S diet 15 days
  • Meditate 20 times
  • Get together with friends
  • Practice Farsi 20 times
  • Declutter 25 items (I've done so much, the goals have to get smaller this far into the year)
  • Continue exploring jobs
  • Spend time on volunteer role
What about you? Have you set any goals for July? Any top priorities for the month?

1 comment:

  1. Your fitness goals are awesome! I hope to continue walking one hour a day four days a week. Since I have huge trials with 12 hour work days in middle and end of July, that will be tricky but I figure I can march in place if needed. I prefer to walk outside, if possible, though. We shall see. Cindy in the South
