Tuesday, July 2, 2024

June goals - how did I do?

 The summer is going by really quickly. I'm more of it than usual, given the countdown for Sam leaving for college is on. I'm not ready! 

Here's how I did with my goals for the month:


  • Create revised 2024 budget, & estimate taxes owed from severance - done
  • Earn $300 in side hustle - $224/300
  • Monthly pantry/freezer challenge: use up fish sticks & bag of cranberries - I've used up a bunch of freezer items, & most of the bag of cranberries, but some remain. Overall, I'm pleased with the state of the freezer, as we had a lot of leftovers at the start of the month, and have whittled them down.
  • Work on plan for United credits - need to roll this over to July, with a better plan
  • Help Sam with college roommate assignments - done
  • Spend a week with Nick on college prep - done, but we have a bunch more work to do. Nick wants to apply to a lot of colleges, many with their own essay requirements
  • Enjoy all of our June fun: Sam's graduation, time with my parents, Sam's party & our long weekend in Las Vegas - We had a fantastic month, with so many celebrations!
  • Finalize the rest of our summer plans - yes!
  • Plan one fun activity with the boys - We've had multiple corn hole matches
  • 10 stretching workouts - I did more than usual this month, as I've had a lot of hip tightness I'm trying to work through = 13/10
  • Lose 3 lbs - no progress. I did okay towards the end of the month, but a long weekend in Las Vegas meant many fabulous meals
  • 12 strength training workouts - 10/12, due to not being around as much in June
  • Follow the No S diet - eh, I've had a few days here & there, but definitely inconsistent
  • Run 70 miles - I ran 75 miles in June
  • Get together with friends - lots of coffees, hikes, etc. 
  • Practice Farsi 20 times - 18/20
  • Declutter 100 items from the house - 49/100
  • Meditate daily - I hit this most days, & tried to be much more mindful when I was traveling/not at home
  • Continue exploring various jobs - I look at least several times per week
  • Start college counseling project - I'm currently matched with two students, and have done one meeting & am hoping to meet my other student soon
Given how much we had going on in June, I'm pleased with my progress. July should be a tiny bit easier - we shall see!

What about you? How did you do on your June goals? 


  1. You did great! Cindy in the South

  2. Really lots of progress there. You put me to shame. While I did get many done I still have lots of carry over to this month.

    God bless.
