Sunday, July 7, 2024

Sunday Happenings

We had an absolutely fantastic time in Lake Tahoe. We left on Wednesday, as soon as Nick got home from work. Sam stayed by himself for the first time ever, which definitely made me nervous. He ended up staying with a friend on Thursday night, as the friend's parent was giving the boys a ride to the airport. He's been in LA for the weekend, for his senior trip. So far, it sounds like the boys are having a good time. Nick is picking them up from the airport this evening.

The drive took quite a while, and we stopped and ate at a Costco along the way. We were planning on an actual dinner, but everyone was in a hurry to get off the road & get checked into the hotel. The boys golfed on Thursday & Friday, went on a huge hike on Friday, we all went to the 4th of July party at the hotel, & saw the fireworks. M & I had some lovely dinners out, & really just enjoyed our time together. The three teens absolutely cracked us up on the drives to & from. We are all caught up on teen lingo. ;-) 

After dropping the other boys off last night, we got home around 5:30. Luckily, the drive was pretty easy. We stopped for lunch at Old Spaghetti Factory around the halfway point, which was a perfect spot to feed hungry teens. Nick & I had our leftovers for dinner last night, as I was really not in the mood to cook. I caught up on laundry, watered our plants & made a huge salad. I was also finally able to pick a bunch of strawberries, before the squirrels cold get to them. Hurrah! We can't get our peppers to grow very big. They always go bad if we leave them on the vine to get bigger, so we pick them when they are smallish. They taste the same regardless, but it would be nice if they were a little closer to regular size.

Anyway, on to today. I'm very tired, as I was up late doing chores & laundry & didn't get to sleep until 11. (That's crazy late for me.) I had several nights like that in Lake Tahoe as well, so I'm feeling sleep deprived. I would love to be in bed early tonight, but Sam's flight gets in at 10 pm, so I know I won't fall asleep until the boys are both safely home.

  • Work out (morning workout class)
  • Stretch
  • Daily chores (meditate, Farsi lesson, journal)
  • Laundry
  • Make chimichurri sauce, to go with the steak M is grilling
  • Make zucchini fritters (shred zucchini)
  • Work in the yard
  • Prepare for an interview. I applied for a job a few weeks ago, and was pretty interested, but never heard back. While I was in Lake Tahoe, I dug around in my spam email, looking for an email from the local casino. Turns out there was an email from the recruiter for that job! I was so embarrassed - three weeks had gone by. 
  • Go to the store for a few ingredients
  • Write out schedule for the week
  • Go to the store
  • Stop by the hardware store to look for an owl statue. We need to keep the rabbits out of the raised beds. They are killing me. Note the nibbles on my zucchini. They actually pulled it off the vine, & maybe planned to drag it somewhere & eat it. But, it was too heavy for them to get out of the bed. .. We have a bunch of netting around the plants, & that's working to keep the squirrels & birds largely away, but the rabbits are definitely more creative than I gave them credit for.
That's it on my side. Is anyone making any fun recipes with items from their garden? 

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