Sunday, July 21, 2024

Sunday things

 I'm late to post, but it was a good & productive day. I went to my workout class this morning, & got through the running portion with no pain. Hurrah! I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, and am hoping to get the all clear to finish training for my relay in four weeks. Fingers crossed.

I'm also teaching Sam how to do his own laundry. He's worked his way through sheets (and, bed making) & is now into clothing separation, emptying the dryer lint trap & clothes folding. It's a journey. ;-) Let's hope all of our clothing survives the process. 

Both teens washed their cars, while M washed our car. 

Sam took his college placement math test today, and scored 98, so he can register for Differential Calculus as his first math class, which means not repeating Trigonometry (he took it in high school), so he's pleased about that. 

Nick volunteered this morning, and we are preparing some sort of family night + gift for him, as he's receiving the President's Volunteer Service Award for completing 175+ hours of volunteering. Normally, volunteers get a banquet or celebration through their service organization, but Nick volunteers for an entirely teen run & led organization, so... organizing that type of thing isn't their jam. ;-) He's also working on college essays today, which is, shall we say, not his favorite way to spend a sunny Sunday.

I worked in the yard, read by the pool, listed a few things on By Nothing, cleaned out our incoming mail tray, iced my hip, ordered college supplies (to be shipped to my sister, so we don't have to move everything), & I'm getting ready to make a caprese salad to go with the burgers M is grilling.

I know our days of all four of us being around our fleeting, and I'm making the most of it! Happy Sunday, everyone. 

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