Sunday, December 31, 2017

How did I do with my 2017 goals?

It's been a crazy year! As you can see, we had a few huge wins, and then there were other areas (cough: weight loss) that took a back seat to my other priorities.

1) Financial - Figure out our housing situation, and get it all resolved (i.e. moved, job changes as needed) before school starts. - Bought a house, moved, & sold our other house!
  • Decide what to do with our Seattle house. Contingent upon location.  - SOLD!
  • Move! - DONE!
  • Build/follow a 2017 "interim budget" (until I leave my job) & a 2017 "post-job budget", after. - Not applicable, given I stayed.
  • Inventory & track our various stockpiles, so we reduce waste & minimize what we need to move. - Done, and greatly reduced what we needed to move. 
  • Every month, come up with a new way to reduce what we need on an ongoing basis. - I did okay on this one. Bought reusable ziplocks, tried to reduce driving errands, etc. We still have more work we can do here. 
2) Family - Spend more time together as a family! - We mostly accomplished this, but had weeks that were better than others. The date night thing didn't happen consistently, but M & I had two vacations together, so I'll consider that a huge win instead.
  • Do a minimum of one fun activity/month with the kids. This can be family puzzle night, cooking dinner together, board games, going out somewhere, etc. - we do a better job with this in the winter, when it's darker outside. 
  • Be more present with the kids & M - play games, minimize computer time, exercise together, etc. - We did pretty well. 
  • Have two dates with M per month (one lunch, one evening)  - nope, but we did have two vacations, which more than equals out!

    3) Fitness/health - Lose 20 pounds, bringing my weight to 133. This may sound familiar, as it's also a carryover goal from last year! - Major fail on the weight side. 2018 is going to need an entirely different plan. I'm actually running 2 pounds over my weight from last year. Sigh. 
    • Make running a consistent part of my life. Build & follow a training plan. - No. 
    • Eat five servings of fruit & vegetables (combined) per day - averaged closer to 3, which is a fail. 
    • Complete 10,000 minutes of cardio - I'm currently at 10,160 for the year, and plan to get in a walk today. 
    • Complete 50 strength workouts. - finished with 86. Crushed this earlier in the year, and then got off track. Had I stuck with that focus on HIIT workouts, I think I would have sorted most of my overall weight loss.
    • Complete 50 stretching workouts. Make yoga a consistent part of my life. - finished with 36, so still need to work on this. 

    4) Work/career - Improve my work life balance. - I've done an okay job with this. But, international travel just really eliminates any balance the week of, plus the next 5 or so days for me. That's a lot of time out of my life. 
    • Keep better perspective at work/reduce stress (until I leave) - did okay. Focused on working from home on Fridays, and trying to reduce my hours. 
    • Determine an end date for my job. - Yes, but the date got shifted to 2018.
    • Take time off from my job. - Nope. Delayed as we bought a house.

      5) Personal/creative - Spend more time on myself/creative pursuits. - I've done okay with this one as well. No real new skill, but I did bake more, spend time with friends (hiking), & volunteered throughout the last school year. However, technology has replaced my old volunteer job ;-), so I need to find something new in 2018. 
      • Learn a new skill. I'm thinking of learning a new language, but would be fine with anything: sewing, knitting, expanding my baking, etc.- I'd like to make yogurt!
      • Make time for my friends. Do something social at least once per month. - I love this goal, and want to continue it in 2018. 
      • Volunteer a minimum of 1x/month.

      All in all, work & the move/house stuff dominated 2017, so it shouldn't be a big surprise that I did "okay" on the other goals. I'm hoping that 2018 will bring more house stability, enabling me to focus more on my health & solve my work situation.

      I love setting goals, measuring progress, & this time of year in general! I had a bunch of posts planned, but have bronchitis & haven't been feeling great. Here's hoping 2018 brings all of us the time & ability to focus on achieving our most ambitious goals!


      1. Sorry babe - you crushed it. Buying a house, selling a house, moving, traveling for work all in one year...if you meet any goals, it is amazing. You did an amazing job!

        1. Ahhh, thanks! So nice to read. I'm feeling quite round, post-holiday & know I need to focus on my health. As usual, it's easy to focus only on the areas of improvement, rather than stepping back & evaluating everything we actually accomplished last year.

      2. You did amazing-I agree, you crushed it. I think the whole health thing will be a lot easier for you when you are not traveling as much. You got huge portions of your life sorted in 2017!

        1. Thank you! And yes, I can only imagine how it will feel to have a bit more flexibility in my schedule. Glorious, I'm guessing. :-)
