Thursday, August 11, 2022

July Goals Recap

 July was the month of COVID, where not much played out as expected. Here's how I did with my goals & progress.


  • Stick to our budget - we were way over on eating out (meals out on vacation), but came in under our grocery bill, so modest wins. 
  • Progress towards side hustle goals - I've been good about using up our gift cards (used up a Panera, Subway & part of a Target gift card), & I sold a few things on eBay & made $136. 
  • List all of M's outgrown clothes on eBay. Go through & donate non-selling eBay items. - 90% of the way there. 


  • Plan one activity with the kids - lots of fun stuff: boba outings, rafting, biking, etc. 
  • Finalize plans for Bend - yes, and we had a great time!
  • Have two dates with M - we enjoyed our kid free long weekend & went on two dates
  • Plan a call with M's family (or, send videos) - sent videos. (M talks to his parents each week, but I'm typically the one who sends kid photos/videos). 
  • Start posting weekly workout/fitness summaries, to keep myself on track - Done! I'm enjoying the summaries. 
  • Beat June's calorie burned goals - definitely no. COVID did not serve me well, in the fitness department. I went from 17,127 to 12,516. 
  • Close rings daily - I broke my 249 day streak when I had COVID, sadly. 
  • Take advantage of workout classes - I missed most of July, due to various family members having COVID
  • Meditate 5x - I meditated 2x. 
  • Do something social with friends - I went on a hike with a friend, and spent lots of time with my sister, and also saw another friend at a party. 
  • Finish work volunteer commitment - done!
  • Complete half of training for advisory role - while I was stuck in bed with COVID, I actually finished this!
  • Read Biased for book club - not quite. 
That's it for me. July was "okay", given all of the health factors. Being sick really slows you down. What about you? How did you do in July? Any wins to share?


  1. July was a blur, so I don't feel like I accomplished much. It also feels so long ago with August being 2/2 over. I've got my sites in September for productivity and just enjoying day to day this month.

  2. I feel like most of July was just not there. Although we did get to go down to see daughter and family over the 4th. Just the pneumonia has taken all memory away. Good for you, you actually accomplished alot even with the sickness.

  3. I like the way you used the yellow and green highlighter on your goal notes. I may try this in my notes in Evernote.
    I need to try selling on Ebay.

  4. I did not do at all well on my July goals, so this month I decided just to catch up with what did not get done last month.

    God bless.

  5. We did travel in July and I'm still decompressing from it all: physically, mentally and emotionally! We had some fun and stayed as safe as possible which is the best outcome I could have hoped for. Fingers crossed that I can say that after any future travel too.

  6. Whoops, hit publish too soon! I hope you're recovered fully now from being sick earlier!

    Revanche @ A Gai Shan Life

  7. July was a blur due to the move. August is starting off slowly as well.
