Saturday, August 20, 2022

Saturday Happenings

It's been a real few weeks. Work has been terrible, and I haven't been sleeping. Anxiety dreams, grinding my teeth, and just laying in bed, thinking of work stuff. Gross. I need to be meditating before bed these days. 

I have a particularly hard week ahead (two meetings with senior leadership that promise to be terrible) & then I head to Tokyo on Sunday. Fingers crossed that all of the work I've put in (hours, and hours up on hours) to get the travel visa, and get all of the forms & apps required to travel to Japan actually work. Now that I've invested so much time, I just want to get it done.

I'm trying to remind myself to enjoy the weekend, despite the stress of the upcoming work week. Fingers crossed that I manage a bit of respite.

Here's what we're up to today:

  • Take Nick to an extremely early soccer game. His first game with the new club
  • Make a shopping list & menu plan
  • Grocery store
  • Take Sam to a late afternoon soccer game. Help put goals away after.
  • Work on Tokyo packing list, set up two remaining apps, & fill out various forms
  • Pickle jalapenos
  • Shred zucchini for the freezer
  • Work in the garden
  • Water plants
  • M is making cheesesteaks, I'll make salad to go with them
  • Take Sam driving. He needs to work on parking skills
  • Laundry
  • Produce stand
  • Work out
That's it from our side. What about you? What are you up to today? 

And, driving home last night, and a wild turkey just roaming across the road. ;-) 


  1. Today I am working on cleaning the new car and later picking up my grandson.

  2. I'm so sorry work is so stressful it's creeping in or risking your personal time enjoyment. That's just never good. I'm trying to do better at setting boundaries. My work quality and volume speaks for me, but I'm often my worst problem, not being satisfied. We live in the land of wild turkeys. Farther north even more so. There's so many wild turkeys on my daughter's campus, they sometimes have to reroute to avoid crowds of them!

    1. We live near a nature preserve, and there are lots of wild turkeys there. But, I've never seen them venture out!

      We're in an awkward spot with work, and a shortage of staff, plus a lot of pressure is causing finger pointing, hurt feelings, & drama. That's my least favorite kind of work mess.

  3. Have a good weekend and let your mind rest. The work stuff will come soon enough.

    1. Today went really poorly, but I'm 1/2 way done with the overly dramatic meetings. One to go!

  4. The anxiety dreams are so stressful! I have them from time to time too and I don’t like the way they make me feel. Do you find that the meditation before bedtime helps with those?

    1. I'm a terrible example, because I do know that meditation helps, but it's hard for me to remember to make it happen. I typically meditate in the late afternoon, but the evening would also be great - I may fall asleep, however!

  5. Revanche @ A Gai Shan LifeAugust 21, 2022 at 8:20 PM

    Belatedly, best of luck with the trip to Japan! I hope the travel all goes very smoothly. I'm going to do my best to find my Zen for the week now, despite an even fuller than usual schedule.

    1. After a really disastrous meeting today, I need to find my Zen. I think I'm all set for Japan. Or, most of the way there. My Japan app is now in the "yellow" phase, which I think (app is in Japanese) means that all of the pre-work has been accepted, and now I just need to wait until the 72 hour window for my flight, and I can finish the rest. Fingers crossed.
