Sunday, January 8, 2023

Sunday Happenings

I feel like tomorrow is lining up to be the Monday of all Mondays. Returning back from long breaks is hard. It's also a super busy time at work for me + M, the boys are kicking off school, Nick has school soccer, and Sam is starting his coaching job. It's a season of business, for sure. 

I'm trying to be productive today, so we'll see how that plays out for me:

  • Go to workout class this am
  • Call my parents, and/or make sure one of the kids calls
  • Deal with Amazon return
  • Make protein balls for Sam, per his request for a quick "pre gym" snack
  • Make tacos for dinner
  • Work on the schedule for the week
  • Clean hall closet
  • Order high school soccer gear for Nick
  • Help Sam set up the app for his new job
  • Laundry (always)
  • Practice Duolingo for 30 minutes
  • Meditate (trying to proactively set the tone for the week)
What about you? What are you up to today? 


  1. Have a great "get ready for Monday" Sunday!

    1. It was definitely a "get ready for Monday" kind of day, but sometimes you need those!

  2. As a retired person I no longer have to get ready to go back to work after a long break. That being said I still have to ready myself to do household tasks and get back to exercising.

    God bless.

    1. You're right - regardless, it takes a bit of "rebooting" to get back on the productive track!

  3. We had our late Christmas including a big turkey dinner. Football, icy walks, and beers later with some family, and more football rounded out the day. Just two more with my whole family so enjoying them.

    1. Sounds like a fabulous time with your family. Love the idea of football, walks & beer. My kind of day :-)
