Tuesday, February 28, 2023

February goals check in

 February always flies by, with a short month & birthdays + ski week thrown in. Here's how I did with my goals this month.


  • Stick to our budget - our power bill was sky high, but the rest of our monthly categories were on track. 
  • Target 5 "hard to use" freezer or pantry items - crushed it, using up 8 items
    • Used a squash, right before it was about to be tossed
    • Freezer brussel sprouts
    • Smoothie kits no one liked (2)
    • Rotisserie chicken
    • Pot roast
    • Giant can of San Marzano tomatoes, buried in the back of the pantry
    • Pulled pork
    • Pork chops (unfortunately, tossed, as they were freezer burned)
  • Make $200 in side hustle - I made $131
  • Save $500 in boys college accounts - I added $1,000 to Sam's account (birthday) & will do the same for Nick's birthday next month. 
  • Save $2,000 - no. I booked our flights to France (sister's 50th birthday trip) & our remaining bonus payout lands in March vs February. I should be able to catch up next month. 
  • Plan one fun activity with the kids - we went skiing together
  • Summer plans - I was able to book Nick's two summer camps
  • Help boys with job applications - submitted
  • Have two dates with M - we had one date (beer, while waiting for the boys to finish skiing)
  • Pictures for M's family - yes, sent. 

  • Lose 3 lbs - my February weight was a little all over. I lost a bit (maybe muscle, as I wasn't working out very hard) & have now stabilized & am where I started the month. 
  • Track calories, & average below 1500 calories/day - I finished at 1517/day, which I'm happy with
  • Work out 24 days - I worked out 27 days (missing the day we drove home from Tahoe)
  • Sort out my knee injury - yes, I had an MRI & found out that the pain is being caused by a cyst, and there's nothing structurally wrong with my knee. This was great news, as it means I can go back to my intense workouts. 

  • Do something social with friends - this is the first month in a long time that I can't think of anything I did!
  • Invest time in my volunteer roles - I haven't done much this month
  • Practice French on Duolingo - I'm a bit sporadic, but working on it
  • Lock in date for girls trip to France - yes, and flights booked!

How did you do with your goals this month? Any wins to share?


  1. Good for you using up items. Right now when I find something large I just give it away as I know I won't eat it.

    1. Giving things away is also awesome. Waste makes me anxious, so I always feel good when I know I"m avoiding waste, even if I personally won't be using it.

  2. I am almost done using up the bits and bobs in the fridge freezer. I need to start working on the chest freezer next. Lots of stock and ready made meals in there.

    God bless.

    1. Nice work with the fridge freezer! We made big progress in February, and are almost out of prepped meals. Time to work on other areas in March!

  3. PaId my car off which was my big goal for February. Cindy in the South

    1. That is awesome! Congrats to you, Cindy!

    2. Well, to be real, it was a secret goal but one I didn’t think I would do until I woke up one day and decided I was sick of the payment… lol. Cindy in the South
