Friday, April 28, 2023

Frugal Friday

Everything seems small on the frugal side, after our spending over the last few weeks, but we're trying to get back on the wagon!

Saving on things we buy

  • I received a $55 gift card for the meal service I ordered. The $55 was good for a variety of places, but I chose a Safeway gift card, so we could use it to offset the cost of groceries.

Earning money

  • Earned a $3 Amazon gift card on Swagbucks. I haven't used the site in a year, so unsure what triggered that reward, but I'll take it. 

Avoiding spending

  • We didn't buy groceries last week (out of town) & this week, we were able to use our executive rebate to cover the cost of our groceries, with some cash left over. I rarely get cash, and hate going to the bank, so this is a double win. 
  • We considered getting takeout on Saturday, when we flew in from a very long travel day. Instead, I had some pretzels, M & Nick had frozen pizza, and Sam went straight to bed. 

Eating what we have

  • Between stocking up at Trader Joes, M grilling a ton of chicken over the weekend, and our meal plan delivery, we actually have quite a bit in the fridge! I froze the remaining chicken, so we could eat it another week.
  • I also finished off the rest of the Trader Joes chicken salad, eating that for dinner last night, along with 1/2 an apple I found in the fridge. It was the perfect light dinner.
  • We've been eating the lettuce from our garden, in salads.
  • M used the last of the limes in our fruit drawer, to make delicious margaritas on our first warm day. Margaritas by the pool is always a treat. 

For others

  • Our neighbor was having a hard time with a plumbing issue, so we helped her out. 
  • We were able to gift M's family with money & the trip last week. 
What about you? Any wins to share?

1 comment:

  1. Getting back to normal after a big trip is hard. I know the margaritas by the pool helped.
