Saturday, January 16, 2021

Tiny babies

M somehow found a photo of the boys I've never seen before. For whatever reason, lately we've been talking about how challenging those first few years were, with a one year old, & a brand new (surprise) baby. M traveled a lot back in those days, I was working full time, and we were both exhausted! One of the things we both remember was the phase where the boys "discovered" each other. The first times they played near/with each other, and spoke to each other & responded.

So, a throwback to a time long ago... If I showed you pictures of how M & I looked those days, we both looked crazy young & exhausted beyond words. :-) 

The boys are turning 14 & 15 in a few short weeks, and my how the time has flown by. Parenting teenagers has its own challenges, but at least we are not sleep deprived!

Here's what I'm up to today. And, the beauty of a three day weekend is that some of these items can slide into the other two days, as needed:
  • Pick up a few grocery items
  • Costco
  • Work out
  • Take Nick to outdoor volleyball training
  • Pick & juice oranges
  • Juice lemons
  • Make muffins
  • Organize my eBay closet a bit
  • Package & mail eBay sale
  • Dinner - warm taco slaw
I'm sure I'll come up with a few other tasks, and I definitely want to get out & enjoy the gorgeous weather we're expecting to get this weekend. What about you? What are you up to this weekend?


  1. Aren't those forgotten or never seen pictures gifts? My oldest weren't quite that clos ein age, but 22 months was close enough, hence the big gap with baby 3 (though health issues made her even farther stretched). I see my daughters friend with a 2 1/2 year old and one year old and my husbands cousin-more like a niece to us as she is between my two oldest in age, with three children, oldest just turned 4, and wonder how they manage to get anything done, but of course, we all did it. You have quite a list and here I am still watching UK soccer and blog reading! I did get dishes put away and a load of laundry started. The family room needs a good dust and vacuum. At some point...

    1. Sometimes I look back & can't even remember how we did it! :-)

  2. Aww. The picture of your boys is really cute!

    We aren't doing much this weekend. After our long week with 2 Urgent Care visits I am ready to just stay home. I have things to do here... including, pay bills, laundry, etc. We are having an at home date night tonight after the kids go to bed which reminds me that I need to find a good recipe for salmon! We have snow and cold here so we will be inside. Hope you have a good weekend!

  3. I hope you enjoy your three day weekend!

  4. So fun to see and how wonderful in the end you had two and how close they are. I had 2 children with the help of fertility treatments 22 months apart. Then...... shockingly pregnant 10 years later, took a few weeks to sink in and thought it a cray fluke. 18 months later had my second son. Two girls, two boys. Best thing to happen, what a joy they are. (As are the older ones too). When my youngest turned 5, actually that week, my husband at 41 died from cancer. They were just a lifeline.

    1. That must have been such a shock! And, I'm so sorry to hear about your husband. I'm sure the kids have brought you so much joy and steadiness during a challenging time.

  5. They are adorable. We have been going through thousands and thousands of pictures Mom had and have seen ones we never knew existed. I have been able to track all of my sons from the day they were born until right before Dad died.

    1. They were a hoot, even when they were a lot of work. Love finding pictures from days long past.

  6. What a cute pic of your boys! It just goes so fast with children.

    1. It really does. It's hard to believe how fast it's gone.
