Monday, July 18, 2022

Menu Plan Monday

 I'm trying to keep things easy this week, as my energy level is pretty low. Here's what's on the menu for the week. 

  • Friday - takeout leftovers
  • Saturday - burgers & caprese salad
  • Sunday -  beef skewers & grilled zucchini
  • Monday - burgers & Greek salad
  • Tuesday - tacos
  • Wednesday - spaghetti & meatballs
  • Thursday - tacos
  • Friday - TBD, or wings & gyozos
What's on your menu this week? Any recipes to share? 


  1. I'm glad to here you're listening to your body. Easy works.

    1. It really does! I'm starting to rebound a bit, but my energy is definitely lagging.

  2. With your immune system it is going to take a while to get your strength back. Take care and don't exercise too hard.

  3. Sounds like you have a great summer menu for the week. Burgers and salad are perfect to not heat up the kitchen. We're on the keto diet still so we're mostly cooking a home as well, but using all keto compliant recipes for some of our favorites like pizza and beef stroganoff. Hope you have a great week!

    1. We try to fit Keto in for my husband, along with two carb loving teens, so it's always an adventure to find meals that work!

  4. It is so hot here that I am trying to keep cooking to a minimum (at least oven wise). Today will be the only night the oven is on for the week. The rest will be warmed up, stove top or out on the BBQ.

    God bless.

  5. Good idea to keep things easy this week while you are battling Covid.

    1. It's definitely been an intentionally easier week so far!

  6. Your meals sound very good, as always. Did you lose your sense of taste with the virus?

    1. I did! It's mostly back, but Paxlovid has an awful metallic taste that stays with you pretty much all day long. Nothing you eat or drink can get rid of it, and it also kills some of the taste.
