Monday, September 26, 2022

Menu Plan Monday

 Another busy week, but the menu plan helps us avoid unplanned takeout & meals out. We typically have: 6-8 practices/week, 4-6 games/week, plus volunteering, SAT prep, & reffing soccer games. Easy meals are a necessity!

  • Friday - gyozos and wings
  • Saturday - M was with Nick at a soccer tournament, Sam was at another soccer game with a friend, and I was volunteering at yet another location for the tournament. Everyone sorted their own dinner. 
  • Sunday - beef stir fry noodles
  • Monday - spaghetti & meatballs
  • Tuesday - beef stir fry leftovers
  • Wednesday - chicken shwarma 
  • Thursday - spaghetti & meatballs
  • Friday - chicken shwarma leftovers

What about you? What's on the menu for the week?


  1. I have mostly salads, soups and chicken this week on my menu. Need to lighten the load of the freezer. Chicken stock is taking up a ton of space. Thinking of making an Asian type of soup.

    1. We go through cycles with the freezer. Right now, we're in good shape! Soon enough, we will fill it again, & need to work on emptying it again. Soup sounds great! I wish other people in my family enjoyed it.

  2. I get to cook most days this week, but there are a few days that leftovers will be utilized.

    God bless.

  3. I prepped a few things. We're still settling with the grandpup and hoping daughter with other things. It was nice leaving DH food for lunch.

  4. I have a bag of chicken leg quarters in the freezer that I need to do something with. That would last us all week long. Other than that beans are another dish for the week. 😊
