Sunday, September 11, 2022

Sunday things

The weekend is whizzing by. I'm trying to find that balance of relaxing & enjoying myself, while still being productive. 

Yesterday was good - lots of driving & soccer, but that's the season we are in. ;-) Sam helped me by doing a bunch of driving (I'm still required, to supervise). All three soccer games were a win yesterday, which is always a treat. I reflected on the fact that neither of my kids has ever really been injured in a game, and given how much soccer has been played, how lucky we've gotten. Sam had a minor knee injury yesterday, but was able to walk it off, and play again. Most of their friends have missed numerous games at some point over the course of soccer, so we feel lucky that they've stayed so healthy.

It was cooler yesterday (high 80s), but the smoke is getting worse from nearby fires. Here's hoping it 1) gets put out safely 2) stays away from our area. The heat/smoke combo is my least favorite part of fall, and has really made the season unbearable in many ways.

As for today:

  • I was waitlisted for my favorite workout class. I opted to move to the early class (despite not wanting to set an alarm), & sure enough, got into the 8:15 class for today.
  • Nick has a reffing game
  • I'll be taking Nick to an afternoon soccer game
  • Sam has driving lessons
  • M is grilling burgers
  • I received a sample copy of the hotel activities for our upcoming anniversary trip in Hawaii, so I want to review that with M, and talk about what we might want to include in our activities budget.
  • Laundry. Ever so much laundry. 
  • A bunch of our plants didn't survive last week's heat wave, so I need to get those cleaned up & removed
  • Tasks for Nick's upcoming permit test: fill out application, gather residency requirements, & remind lazy teen to take the practice tests.
  • We've been doing "college trivia" each night at dinner, which really just means that I research a college, and a few interesting tidbits about it (most popular majors, admission rates, fun facts, etc) & share with the kids. It's been interesting, & led to a lot of really fun discussions about different schools. 
What about you? What's on your agenda for today?


  1. I'm lazing right now while hubs mows the lawn, but am about to eat watch online church before we go to a family birthday lunch. I've already done a load of laundry, had coffee, walked the dog, put cash in and signed cards, and finished and posted a blog. When we get home, I'm going to do some weeding, and transplant a flower cluster that popped up into a hanging basket. No dinner plans- just leftovers and it cheese, meat, and crackers for supper. I hope you are able to unwind.

    1. You've been productive! I love those kinds of easy dinners. M is more of a "full meal" person, but I consider appetizers & a salad a perfect meal.

  2. The weeks have been flying by for me recently. Every time I turn around it seems like it’s Friday again. I’m glad you have Sam to help with the driving. Congratulations on the three wins yesterday! I’m glad Sam was able to walk off his knee injury. I caught up my laundry yesterday but now need to do towels again. I’m only ever caught up for 5 minutes at a time. 😂

    1. That's the thing about laundry - it's always just right there, lingering in the background! No matter how far ahead I get. Nick wears so many outfits! I need to teach him the life skill of his own laundry. That's a good lesson for me to weave in soon.

  3. I paid bills, edited three blog posts, attempted to book our boosters (failed), sent out an update to the Lakota Giving group on this past week's giving activities, and packed up the next box of hand me downs to be shipped when it's full. I'm taking a rest since yesterday's rest afternoon was spent cutting out fabric and turning it into a present for JB.

    1. Hope you get your energy back for the week ahead! Sounds like you were very productive, though.

  4. I made lentil soup, washed my bedding, and then took my granddaughters to a park.

    1. Lentil soup sounds delicious. Maybe I'll make it while M is out of town. He's not a fan of soup, which I just don't understand! So glad you are getting all of the quality grandma time in.

  5. I am afraid I have been lazy today (and yesterday truth be told). I did pick some tomatoes today.

    God bless.

  6. Injuries are part of a dancer's life and an athletes. You are blessed.
