Sunday, March 15, 2020

What to do, what to do?

We are trying to stay home as much as possible, based on the latest guidance. The weather is terrible here, so I'm looking for good at home options, and treating this as an opportunity to get things done around the house. There are rumors that the schools may be closed for 8+ weeks. Trying not to panic about that possibility.

Here's what I got done yesterday:

  • Made pico de gallo & taco slaw
  • Organized one of our tables, that is constantly overrun with homework & my stuff. Everything is now sorted, filed, and things are put back to their rightful locations. This has created a nice area for schedule organizing, which is more important now that we are all home together.
  • Organized our "junk pantry" (paper supplies, pencils, etc). Tossed a bunch of junk, organized everything else.
  • Did yoga at home
  • I also went through the closet where we keep our water bottles, and pulled out all of the plastic ones for donation.

Plans for today:

  • A work out (90 minute yoga)
  • Make a schedule for Monday
  • Review the soccer training plan for the boys (their club sent at home workouts to follow, along with a training log)
  • Make a double batch of chicken curry
  • Print out math worksheets
  • Wash all sheets & bedding
  • Stay in touch with friends (we use a video chat app)
What type of good at home projects do you have lined up?


  1. Our schools are close for 6 weeks. I don't mind at all--I LIKE having my kids home! I wish this happened when they were all full time k-12, but now, only youngest is. Tomorrow, he has a time slot to pick up his musical instrument, and any other belongings he may need.
    My plans are to work in the yard. I want to weed and mulch flower beds, dig a spot for some raspberry bushes and fruit tress. Hopefully the weather will cooperate.
    I also have a myriad of indoor tasks. I have two quilts in progress. I also have tons of photos to scrapbook. I have about 30 lbs. of beeswax which need to be turned into candles. There is ALWAYS cleaning to be done. I don't need to go to a gym to workout--I can take a run, a hike, or a long walk. When all that is finished, and if I'm not too tired, I can read a book, or watch television. (There is a new episode of "Better Call Saul" on tomorrow evening.
    Imagine what people did back in the early 1900's during the Spanish flu epidemic? Or, if that's too far out of the realm of perspective, what about pre-internet?

    1. I love having the kids home as much as anyone else - when I can focus on them & enjoy our time together (e.g. when I'm not working). Balancing the two is near impossible & is ripe for failure on all accounts.

      Like you, I have plenty of tasks to keep me occupied for the next month (should i get that motivated!) & am lucky we have internet alternatives for entertainment.

    2. I've akways meant to ask Meg B about not homeschooling-just a curiosity based on comments to various posts-no assumptions. I'm part of a mitigation implementation team, so work is going to be crazy. I'm concerned for my son in LA and missing wirk opportunity but we'll survive as a family even with distance. College kid is now back tomorrow.

    3. Wait...NOT homeschooling? I DID homeschool for several years with some of my kids--no reason other than for those kids it was the best fit at the time. I worked very closely with teachers, but was able to develop a personalized curriculum for these kids. What Kid #1 did looked very different from Kid #4, even at the same age.
      I am adamantly opposed to online learning, and lament the lack of cursive instruction in younger years. Cursive is a very important OT technique for developing fine motor skills, as well as for optical tracking. As for online learning--ee gads. If that is the case, let's just put a computer talking to a computer, and nobody will have to bother to show up! In all seriousness--several teachers in our district tried this for math. While things like IXL and Khan Academy are wonderful resources, they cannot replace an actual teacher who can SEE you work a problem, and know where it is you made the mistake. (ie: "Oh, I see, you forgot your order of operations.") The one teacher who really loved it said, (and, oh, how I wish I was making this up) "But, this saves me the trouble of correcting homework." Well, yes, but the computer can only tell a kid if he got his answer correct or not, NOT where he made his mistake--that's why we show work!!!
      Ah, but I digress.
      On another note: When working from home started becoming a trend, I was aghast. As the kids say, I. Can't. Even. When I returned to school for post graduate work, with three in diapers, I was out of class by noon, but would stay in the library until 2 p.m., to study. Even though we had no classes on Friday, I would still head to campus for those hours to work. Honestly, I don't think I ever brought my books in from the car. I don't know how people create a work/home boundary when they work from home. I even had a hard time creating that when I taught private dance lessons...there'd always be a kid interrupting!

  2. Wishing you the best in a difficult situation. I honestly cannot imaging having 2 very active teen boys at home for 6 weeks. My kids were very social, athletically active kids and it would have been a battle keeping them from their friends. I am sure they would have thought of the closure as a protracted spring break instead of isolation to keep the infection rate down.

  3. The not knowing is hard to take, although I should be used to it as a sub since I get called at the very last minute. Still not easy. Schools being closed for 8 weeks would be a huge historical for these students. Let's hope and pray for the best.

  4. We are still working full time from home but expect it to slow. We will finish painting the open plan interior and maybe start painting bathrooms when the weather warms up I want to get out to the yard and do cleanup and veggie/flower planting. We also have a project that needs doing - picking out pictures to frame and hang in our hallway. I've had the frames for 2 years....would also like to scan all of our old photos that aren't digital.

    1. The photo scanning is a great one! I'll add that to my list. Weather is terrible here, but once it clears up, we are also in the veggie planting timeline
